The main reason store locators are such a valuable tool for brands and retailers is that when a customers searches they have a very high purchase intent. They are using your store locator to find where to buy your products in real life which typically means they are very likely to purchase very soon. With Storemapper we try to make it that process as frictionless as possible so you get the largest number of in-store sales.
But the data on how customers are using your store locator is also super valuable. When customers come to your site and use your Storemapper they are sending a powerful message to you: “Hey! Where can I buy your stuff?” It makes sense to learn as much as possible about these customers.
Storemapper’s built in analytics tool can help you answer these critical questions.
Storemapper is powered by Google maps and can run on any web platform (find more information about your specific platform). Installation only requires copy and pasting a simple snippet of code into your website in a matter of minutes, no coding experience necessary. Uploading details for your locations is also a quick process, with the option of uploading data in bulk from a .csv file. Customize your map and search options as much or as little as you like, with loads of template options, as well at the ability to alter the CSS directly.